How to Guest on Podcasts

Have you ever thought about about pitching yourself as a podcast guest?  If not, why not?

If you've got a story to tell, expertise to share or are generally fun to chat to then guesting on podcasts can absolutely be a hugely powerful avenue for you.

In this episode I talk you through why this should be on your to do list as well as running through the process from research to pitch and beyond.

If you've ever hoped for the process of guesting on podcasts to be demystified, wait no longer, just take a listen of this episode.


- In this episode I reference my membership, The PR Spotlight, as a source of even more information on how to guest on podcasts, how to create and launch your own podcast and so much more when it comes to getting yourself and your business visible.  Here is where you can find all the info and sign up with your first two weeks totally free:

Fiona Minett