Catherine Erdly on how PR has accelerated her business

In this episode I want to introduce you to the insanely brilliant Catherine Erdly, Retail Expert, Small Business Champion and Founder of The Resilient Retail Club.

Catherine is a client of mine, so I thought it would be interesting to bring her perspective to the PR conversation. Does it really work? How does it work?

Take a listen to find out more about her expertise but also to hear first hand how we worked together to leverage this expertise and accelerate her profile and business success through some go-getting and savvy PR activity.

Catherine shares how PR worked for her, what coverage gave her the best results and what she’s learnt from the process.

Clue: one of her biggest takeaways is “Just do it. Just tweet the journalist, send the email, submit your name, enter yourself into the awards, one hundred percent. Don't wait for someone else to nominate you. Just enter yourself and just be your own cheerleader.”

Trust me, hearing what she’s achieved and how she’s do it is the inspiration we all need to get ourselves and our businesses visible.

You can find Catherine here:

Take a listen and let me know what you think...

Fiona Minett